You Were Born to Be Successful
You were created to be a solution for someone else’s problem. You were created with a specific purpose and God has plans to use you to help others.
There are people waiting on you to discover your purpose so you can help them and make a difference.
I invite you to join me at one of the transformational training sessions on this world tour so you can discover your brilliance and step into your greatness. When you attend this event you will learn:
- How to gain clarity on your purpose so you can fulfill your calling.
- Create a life you love and a business God can bless.
- How to develop audacious and unshakable faith regarding God’s purpose for your life and business.
- Leadership lessons that honor God AND fuel personal and business success.
- How to tap into your creativity and supercharge your ability to generate new ideas and increased revenue.
- How to think like a game changer and develop a winning mindset.
You Were Born to Be Successful
You were created to be a solution for someone else’s problem. You were created with a specific purpose and God has plans to use you to help others.
There are people waiting on you to discover your purpose so you can help them and make a difference.
I invite you to join me at one of the transformational training sessions on this world tour so you can discover your brilliance and step into your greatness. When you attend this event you will learn:
- How to gain clarity on your purpose so you can fulfill your calling.
- Create a life you love and a business God can bless.
- How to develop audacious and unshakable faith regarding God’s purpose for your life and business.
- Leadership lessons that honor God AND fuel personal and business success.
- How to tap into your creativity and supercharge your ability to generate new ideas and increased revenue.
- How to think like a game changer and develop a winning mindset.
You’re Probably Working Harder Than You Have to,
Making Less Money Than You Should Be, and – Perhaps
Most Importantly of All – Not Touching the Lives of as
Many People as You COULD Be
I remember sitting on the edge of my bed and thinking, “If this is what success looks like, I don’t think I want it.” I had a growing business, doing the work I loved, but I knew there was more…more people I was called to serve, more meaning I was meant to experience and more wealth I was meant to create so I could do more good in the world. And frankly, I was tired of working SO HARD to keep everything going.
I decided to redesign my life so I could work to live, not live to work. I realized I didn’t need more training to SHIFT my life and business, I needed better strategies.
Join us at one of these stops on our tour:
St. Louis – Jul 31, 2018
Albany, GA – Oct 4, 2018
Dubai, UAE – Oct 31, 2018
London, UK – Nov 12, 2018
Sydney, AU – Nov 28, 2018
Melbourne, AU – Nov 29, 2018
Singapore, SG – Dec 5, 2018
Honolulu, HI – Dec 15, 2018
Chicago, IL – Jan 4, 2019
Toronto, ON – Apr 25, 2019
Montreal, QC – Apr 27, 2019
Ashley Winston
Break Free and Be Unstoppable
Chicago Tour Stop
Deneen TB
Grow From Your Overflow
St. Louis & Dubai Tour Stops
Suzan Hart
Fit Fab and Fulfilled
Toronto & Montreal Tour Stops
Diann Swain
St. Louis Tour Stop
Karen Fox
Karen the Connector
St. Louis Tour Stop
Jackie Trottmann
Joy & Flow
St. Louis Tour Stop
Aprille Trupiano
Earn More. Work Less. Live Better
Dubai Tour Stop
Building a Blessed Business
If you have a dream to serve others through a non-profit, career or business:
- Imagine hearing God whisper: “well done my good and faithful servant” because you leaned NOT to your own understanding but trusted Him to help you grow your business.
- Imagine walking in God’s authority for your life to do what He has called you to do—and reaping the blessings in super natural ways that ONLY come from God’s favor on your life!
- Imagine bringing souls to Christ simply by modeling what it means to be His light, not just at church on Sunday, but in your business as well.
- Imagine having the AUDACITY to dream bigger and live bolder when it comes to your faith and business.
“What? Who Me? Are you sure God?!?!
When God whispered in my ear and instructed me to expand the focus of my speaking business beyond corporate clients to include women of faith, I thought to myself, “What? Who Me? Are you sure God?” When the fullness of the vision was revealed and God called me to birth the Audacious Faith movement, I didn’t think I could do it.
Like Moses, I immediately began to doubt that I was the right woman for the job. My Moses moment lasted 3 months. During this season, I ignored God’s calling for me to shift the direction of my business. I questioned Him, and then I had the audacity to try and negotiate with Him…And to wrestle with Him. Maybe you have or are doing the same thing?
What was I so afraid of?
Being totally transparent, I was afraid of disappointing God. I didn’t think I was worthy to take on such an assignment. I was afraid of what it would cost me to do this work. The first three years of growing my business to 7-figures almost cost me my marriage and I lost relationship equity with people I loved while trying to make my mark. So, you can see why I freaked out when I thought of the price I’d have to pay if I were to say “YES!” to what God was calling me to do.
When God calls you to grow, shift, leap or stretch…
Let your response be, “Yes and Amen!”
You have three distinct advantages working in your favor:
#1 You have been created for God’s good pleasure and He has a unique purpose for your life;
#2 You are a child of God and He loves you dearly; and
#3 God will do what He has promised concerning you! Point – Blank – Period.
Shifting to your next level of success will bring forth blessings that your mind can’t even conceive right now.
Success requires more than being exceptional at what you do. Who you know and access to game changing strategies will grow your business faster than talent ever could.
Sometimes the most powerful transformations and the changes that deliver the greatest ROI are a result of a few strategic shifts that change the game and create new opportunities that didn’t previously exist.
The Game Changers Mastermind Retreat is a powerful, high-impact event for experts, speakers, coaches and service professionals. We will leverage the collective genius of the peer group of thought-leaders and disruptors to discover strategies needed to increase exposure, impact and income.
And what better place to learn and grow than with a group of like-minded THOUGHT LEADERS at our BOLDER 2018 WORLD TOUR?!?!
Your success is God’s success:
- You are bigger, more powerful and more valuable than you could ever imagine.
- God will use everything you’ve gone through and experienced to position you for greater success…Don’t ever give up!
- God has given you amazing talents and gifts but you need someone to help you learn how to maximize and monetize your brilliance…Audacious Faith was created just for you.
WOW! Could it get any better than that?
Give me 2-hours and I promise that you’ll never be the same. You’ll experience mind-blowing breakthroughs and you’ll walk away with strategies on how to create more success faster than ever before!
Often times people are stuck or aren’t as successful as they could be because they don’t have access to the right information or access to the right resources and people. When you join us at this event, I will teach you how to tap into the tools you need to get the support you need to win in life and business.
Now that you have seen what is TRULY POSSIBLE for you and your business, commit the time required to work ON your business and CATAPULT to the next level!