
2018 Sponsorship Opportunity

Audacious Faith

The World’s Largest Virtual Conference for Christian Business Owners.

Thank you for your interest in being a sponsor for Audacious Faith. We are excited to share this unique opportunity with you and we look forward to making a difference with your help.

During our virtual conference, tweets and social media posts using the hashtag #AudaciousFaithLive will reach 100+ thousand people…

And we want to promote your brand to our community – For FREE!

Yes, I know. You probably think we are crazy or down right insane to make such an offer. 1 Peter 2:9 says we are a chosen generation…a peculiar people. We are game changers and we are doing things that others would never think of doing.

God is doing something profound and supernatural with our community and we know we are at the start of a very powerful movement that will reach into the far corners of the world to equip and inspire people who thirst for divine success in their businesses.

Instead of reaching out to companies based on their ability to financially support our vision, we decided to extend a sponsorship invitation to a very select group of companies that we absolutely LOVE…and in most cases are companies whose services or products we value and use. You have been identified as a potential sponsor with whom we would like to develop a lasting partnership. We believe that if be both find value in the partnership, you will be more than thrilled to help financially support our movement as we grow, but with no obligation to do so. We want to see you win and benefit from connecting with our community and we believe you will do whatever you can to help us win as well.

Our Target Audience

Our primary audience includes Christian business owners, pastors, ministry leaders, and professionals interested in growing their faith and business.

Digital Sponsorship Package Includes:

  • Logo featured at the bottom of the event registration website
  • Business featured on the Sponsors Page
  • Logo featured at the bottom of conference emails
  • Spotlight Feature once each day 
  • Full Screen banner ad displayed once each day

In addition to the live viewers who will attend our 3-day virtual conference, we will reach an engaging and influential online audience during the months following the event.

Complete the form below to partner with us.
Sponsorship Opportunities are Limited!

  • Accepted file types: jpg, tiff, tif, png, pdf, gif, Max. file size: 512 MB.