Strategy Day creates a space for you to step aside so you can learn about, and develop strategies around specific business topics that will move your business forward.
The day begins with a powerful presentation from a “Guest” speaker/expert on a relevant, transformational business strategy.
The morning presentation is followed by spirited community engagement and an afternoon of breakout discussions, working sessions, and practical activities that will equip you to process the concepts and put them into action. You will walk away with significant growth in your business development along with strategic tools that will move your business forward.
The morning portion of this event which features our guest speaker is open to everyone.
The afternoon working session portion of this event is open to the COMMUNITY, UNLIMITED and INNER CIRCLE membership levels.
Registration Is Closed For This Event.
Tips For How To Show Up
#1. Cameras On. This is an interactive event, so please show up camera-ready!
#2. Let the Light Pour In. Set-up where you can have lots of natural light coming in and lighting your face. The light should not hit your back. Natural light is not only great for energy levels, but it’s also a great look! Be mindful that your computer screen is a source of unflattering light, so adjust your screen brightness if necessary.
#3. Raise your Camera. Do whatever it takes to position your camera at eye level. This means you might have to get creative! The best and only camera angel to strive for is head-on, so your camera is at the same level as your eyes.
#4. Find your best headphones. Your headphones will help to eliminate feedback from your computer speakers and they might even have a better mic than your computer. You can test your external mic vs. computer mic via a Zoom audio Test.
#5. What to Bring. Grab your favorite pen, notepaper, sticky notes, and any snacks or hydration to keep you comfortable.
#6. What NOT to Bring. Eliminate as many potential distractions as possible. Find a comfortable and quiet place, turn your phone on silent, close all browser tabs on your computer, and set up your email auto-responder as you would if attending an in-person event.
#7. Engage Mindfully. Keep yourself muted at appropriate times and be mindful of how “Chat” is being used—either as a tool or as a distraction.
#8. Check your Tech. Update Zoom to the latest version. To test in advance or get any help with Zoom Setup, reply to this email!
#9. Enjoy Yourself! When you show up as your best self, your positive attitude and energy will ripple through the group.
As we enter a whole new world of learning, teaching, and training online, we are being asked as leaders (and participants) to be clear in our expectations for how we show up for ourselves and each other.
We lovingly ask that you honor our agreements of participation:
- End to End Attendance: please be prepared to be present from beginning to end.
- Be Stationary: please be prepared to participate from a stationary spot. Participation from a moving vehicle, while on a walk, etc. will not work for this type of experience.
- Full Engagement: Please have both your video and audio on through your computer/laptop/cellphone.
- Fully Present: Please eliminate notifications, distractions, or anything that will take your attention from the experience.
Failure to show up fully present and ready to engage does not work for this type of workshop. If an attendee does not show up honoring the participation agreement they will be asked to exit the workshop. Thank you for your understanding.