Celebrate Past Progress

Celebrate Past Progress

Are you the kind of business owner who celebrates and savors everything you achieve? Or do you meet a goal and quickly move on to the next thing? Or maybe a combination of the two? When was the last time you took time out of your busy schedule to acknowledge (let...
Building a Fiscally Fit Business

Building a Fiscally Fit Business

The goal of every business is to make a profit however for those of us that also have a calling to serve God through our business we have a second layer to our goals. The second layer is to share the truth about our Lord with as many as we can within the marketplace....
5  Tips for Women Failing Forward

5 Tips for Women Failing Forward

Do not be afraid to fail. You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That is much easier said than done. One of my mentors John Maxwell talks about it as learning to Fail Forward. It is still getting you closer to your success. Failure can do quite a number on...
Systems Made Simple

Systems Made Simple

A recent study cited that most companies encounter a 30% loss in profit because of outdated or unorganized internal operations. What does this look like in your business? Here are a few examples. Have you ever found yourself recreating the same document? Is the list...